Ashanti Hazina in the woods holding hand over face to cast shadow

Using art and body-based practices to explore and discover ourselves, both present and new

We believe that when we allow ourselves to be curious, try on new ways of being and expression in creative and intuitive ways, we are exclaiming our asé. Asé is a Yoruba expression that represents the power that can make things happen. And with curiosity, exploration, and healing in mind, we are creating our collective asé.


  • Ashanti Hazina in a bent over movement pose wearing green pants and white top

    Intention Setting & Somatic Mapping

    Immerse yourself in our transformative somatic workshops, designed to help you access embodiment, emotional fluency, and healing through movement and art.

  • Ashanti Hazina hand touching reads with colorful nail polish

    Guided Creative Workshops

    Join our guided sessions that lead you through intentional creative practices, allowing you to explore your emotions, stories, and identity through art.

  • Sunshining through leaves

    Sensing the Self Using Creative Wellness Tools

    Connect with like-minded individuals on similar journeys. Our community is a supportive space for sharing, learning, and growth.

Ashanti Hazina stretching with arms wide, with green pants and white top

Our Mission

Work with Asé

Our mission is to co-create creative healing spaces for emerging individuals between the ages of 18 - 30 years old to access the transformative power of somatic-based art practices on their unique paths to identity (re)formation.

We understand the profound impact that exploring and questioning holds for people of the African diaspora, and we're here to support you every step of the way.


Kind Words

  • Ashanti was very open and curious. She had a great perspective. Initially I felt a little nervous before it started, I felt relaxed during the workshop because of Ashanti's facilitation style, and after I felt really happy for what we did together. I would use these modalities with my youth group because they are really approachable and impactful.

    Lyric Staff

  • Personally my biggest take away was remembering that I don't need a specific 'picture' in mind to create artwork and simply doodling can lead to some really interesting pieces. I also really like how in-depth the questions asked of ourselves during the body scan were.

    Lyric Staff